Jacob and Alysa are excited to announce that they're expecting!
(pregnant, having a baby, getting visited by the stork, prego, preggers, p.g.)
My first doctor's appointment was on Nov. 12, and the official due date is June 22nd.
We'll hear the baby's heartbeat on Dec 10th.
The pregnancy was planned, and we couldn't be more excited!
One Day
5 days ago
Congratulations guys! That is so exciting! Your life will never be the same and you will no longer be incharge of it but it was the best thing I ever did. Fun! Fun! Fun!
YAY!!! Congrats! I was ORIGINALLY due on June 19, but he decided to come a week late (the worst EVER). Feel free to ask me ANYTHING. I'm SO open about the weirdest things and totally cool with helping. Go team! :-)
Carolynn recently opened a blog, prominently featuring her new baby.
Congratulations! That is really exciting! :D
I'm so excited for the two of you. This is so neat. Congratulations!!!
A new generation of Twilight Fans are up and coming HOORAY!!
Lots of Joy to Come your way.
Yay! I'm excited for you to get a little nerdfighter! You are going to be wonderful parents!
I'm so dang excited!!!! Yeah!!!!! (btw, we should name it Bobsicle Yanni Stewart...)
That's so great! We need a little boy to even out the ward full of baby girls. :) I voted girl!
Congrats! That is so great! Babies are so fun.
Yay! The word is out! You're in for it now...baby showers, endless "how are you feeling?" inquiries from everyone you know, over-excited soon-to-be grandparents, and all kinds of fun! I couldn't be happier for you! Congratulations!
You need a boy to play with Kjersten!
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