Friday, December 14, 2007


Pregnancy update: On the 10th I went in for my Dr's appt. and to hear the baby's heartbeat. He couldn't get anything on the Doppler, so the doc sent me over to his technician for an ultrasound. Ultrasound=Ultra Cool! It was so neat to see that little baby wigglin' around in there! It's not like I can feel any of that movement yet, so it made the whole pregnancy much more real. So, now we know we're not having twins, and the baby has all of its appendages and a healthy heartbeat and such. Yay! I'll keep you all updated.


BriAnna Jenkins said...

Yay for babies!!
You guys are going to make the cutest parents ever!

Jenni Elyse said...

I'm so glad everything is going well! :)

Ransom said...

Did baby seem to prefer breaststroke or butterfly?

Hilary said...

Congrats :-) Glad it was ultra cool