Finals are finished! Just had to make that exciting announcement. I don't have any new reviews for you yet, but I'm in the middle of James Dashner's The 13th Reality (Advance Readers Copy, the book doesn't come out until spring), and just picked up Jacques Couvillion's The Chicken Dance which will probably be funny because Shannon Hale said it was. Well, time to make dinner!
One Day
1 week ago
Hey... how come YOU get ARCs?
Because I read author blogs and take them up when they say "If you talk about my blog on your blog I'll give you an ARC..."
That is so nerdy and awesome.
Yeah, actually, that is awesome. Can you send me a list of authors that do that? (By the way, you should be cursing James Dashner, because he used to be one of our authors, but then once he got famous he ditched us for a bigger publisher)
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