Wow! I feel great! I fed Benjamin at about 11:00 last night and once he got to sleep about an hour later he didn't wake up -- well, at least if he did it didn't wake me up -- until 7:20 this morning! Hallelujah! I feel better rested than I have in weeks!
Hmm, now lets see what we can do about getting y'all some recent pictures.
This is Benjamin in a little outfit that Jacob wore when he was a baby. The weird look on his face is due to the fact that he doesn't much care for the hat. :)
Benjamin, meet Grandma Stewart. (He does that little hand clasping thing when he is calm. So cute how he just folds up his little hands. He's very expressive with them -- definitely going to be a hand-talker!)
One Day
4 days ago
I love the pictures! Matthew used to do that with his hands... still does on occasion. It's so adorable! I'm glad you got a good night's sleep! Isn't it amazing what one night of good, solid sleep can do for the body?! Anyway, thanks for the update!!
Love the pictures, and thank heaven for sleep, huh? You (or at least I) seem to take it for granted until to you have a baby. Now I cherish every minute!
It really is amazing the difference you feel when you can sleep 6 or more hours straight, without interruption. It's great that he is starting to do that already.
Ahh, the things I have to look forward to:)
Looking mighty handsome, that little man is! Congrats on getting some sleep, too- I'm sure you've earned it! And from the last post, what was your favorite story line from The Jane Austen Book Club? There were definitely story lines I found more interesting than others, or I thought were more interesting matches to Austen's books, but it's been a while since I read it.
Aw! He's so cute! I can't wait to see him some time in the next couple of weeks. I'll give you a call to discuss best times. :)
Hilary -- my fave part was when the club met at Grigg's house. I just loved the sly little assessments of his place.
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