Got a good two word slogan for Emmett, Jasper, Bella, Carlisle or Esme? Then send it to Stephenie and it'll probably end up on all kinds of official T-shirts and stuff. Winners also get the audio books, courtesy of Random House. A few of the characters already have two word slogans: Edward "Bite Me" Alice "Wanna Bet?" Jacob "Hot Dog." You can feel free to tell me your fun ideas in the comments below, I won't steal them unless I ask. ;)
Also, feel free to vote in the poll at the top of the page... I'm interested to see how this turns out, I've got some predictions.
One Day
6 days ago
Wow, Hank sure is winning on that poll there. BTW, I realized I haven't mailed you your due for the book! That will be in the mail on Monday! Sorry!
I think emmett should be "teddy bear" what do you think?
Hey, I like that. I was thinking "Old Soul" for Jasper. What do you think? I'm totally blank on Bella...
Ok, we're just brainstorming here...
Carlisle: Doctor's Orders, Blood Bank,
Esme: Drama Mama, Mother Bear, Care Bear, Mama Mia,
Emmett: Bear Necessity, Bear Minimum, Fun One, Bear Maximum,
Jasper: Jazz Pizazz!!
bahaha! I crack myself up.
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