So, I just got back from my Dr.'s appointment. The doc pronounced me 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and -1. So, for those of you who understand that jargon, there you have it. If you're a little bit lost, the doctor also said, "Set an appointment for next week, and we'll see if you keep it." He said I could go into labor this week, but it's also possible that I won't. Like, it's gettin' close, but not imminent.
Crazy, huh?!?
My mom and two youngest siblings are already in town, so that is nice. And Jacob is finally looking a bit more healthy; he had a nasty sore throat all last week. Wish us luck!
One Day
4 days ago
For your sake, I hope it happens. If you remember from my blog, I was told the same thing and she came about 2 1/2 weeks later. :) It wasn't until they stripped my membranes that she came immediately.
How exciting! It's fun to hear news like that! Good luck you guys!
Alysa I just found your blog. That's so exciting, and I really hope you don't go late. I was 2 weeks early, and it was the greatest! But good luck. I'll look forward to pictures!
How exciting!!!
Gahhh!!! Have I told you about how much I hate the post office? (I promise this is relevant) Well, I really, really don't like the post office. Which is why I still haven't mailed your shower present even though it was a week and a half ago. And I finished the present like, a week and a half before that. I'm so lame. I just hate the post office. And now you could go into labor at any moment, and I still haven't mailed your present. I'll mail it tomorrow.
Congrats though!!! So exciting and best of luck!
It sounds like you are so close to having your baby. I am so excited for you! Please, keep us posted on what is happening. We miss you guys. How is the family ward? I hope you like it. We should play killer bunnies sometime.
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