Friday, April 23, 2010

Halfway Day!

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant!

Earlier this week:

Me: "I'll be halfway pregnant soon!"

Jacob: "No, you're already 100% pregnant.  You'll be halfway to NOT pregnant."

Now that made me smile.

Feeling pretty good (I know that is the burning question on all of your minds,) but my right hip is definitely out of whack.  I usually solve this problem by sleeping on my back  for a night.  That's not really an option anymore.

I'm feeling the baby move at least daily now, and think there might have been hiccups last night.

There are a mere 5 days until our ultrasound!


Annaliese said...

The only incentive better than being done with pregnancy is being halfway to getting a brand new baby:) Can't wait to hear the gender!

jennybhill said...

Jacob's comment was perfect. Congrats again on your news today!