Monday, November 8, 2010


 The Stewart family as seen on Halloween weekend:
"Scruffy" Stewart (this costume took a lot of work)

"Sassy" Stewart (complete with sassy eyelashes)

"Sticky Stewart (yes, that is a stick stuck to him)
"Stinky" Stewart (borrowing one of his brother's diapers)
 We were all adjectives for the festivities this year.  Ironically, Stinky's extra diaper came in handy.  He spent the whole night bundled in his carseat, but we were glad we dressed him in costume when we got home and discovered he had blown through his own diaper, his onesie and that his carseat had been saved by his costume.  Huzzah!


Annaliese said...

Classic Stewart awesomeness. I love it!

Helen Macfarlane said...

Stinky Stewart is very handsome!

Leila said...

Hahahaha, that's great! And how fortunate that Stinky had an extra diaper! :D

clare said...

love it!

clare said...

perhaps his giant genius body sensed the extra protection and knew it was the right time to open all the hatches