Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The moon is made of

People, things are gonna be lookin' up around here pretty soon. That's right, only one day left until I can wear contacts again. I awoke on the morning of our 5th anniversary with pinkeye. (love you honey, happy 5th!) Conjunctivitis. And let me tell you the hardest part has not been itchiness or doing the prescription eye drops, it has been wearing my glasses full time. Contacts are so much better. Also, I miss wearing eye makeup. But on Thursday it will be back to my regularly scheduled programming, thankyouverymuch.
So. Tonight. Grilled Cheese.

On the grill.

I've made many, many grilled cheese sandwiches in my life. But never have I ever made one on an actual, outdoor, fueled by propane, grill.

Probably this is partly because I've never had a grill before. So many thanks to the Petersons for moving to the big citay and giving us their grill!

It will be homemade bread. So, many thanks to Jeremy and Molly for the bread machine! Merry Christmas!

It will be white cheddar cheese. So, many thanks to Ashley for introducing me to white cheddar, since her mom bought it, since they don't have yellow/orange cheddar in Maine, apparently. And also to Walmart, for selling cheaper than regular cheddar.
Berber King Burger King was good. Actually it was fantastic as fast food goes, because everything was so clean. And the employees were really excited about making a good impression. So we got awesome service in a very very clean restaurant. Also Benjamin got a Sponge Bob watch that he loves. Levi held onto the Lemon-scented wet wipe that came in his high chair (with disposable bib) throughout the whole meal. And successfully demolished his paper crown.

Pasta was a bit overcooked. I always under cook it, so I compensated a little too far tonight. Oops. Also, ironically, I did not end up making broccoli.


Leila said...

Is there a reason you've been posting about every meal? Is this becoming a recipe blog like Lauri has? :)
And btw, are you guys going to Silver for Christmas? Josh wasn't sure when I asked him.

Alysa Stewart said...

Leila, I wanted to start blogging more, and I needed something to blog about. Every day we eat, so I figured I would blog about dinner this week, to get the juices going so to speak. Also my Korean friend (who probably doesn't read this blog) was asking me what Americans usually have for dinner, so you know.

We are planning to come, but we won't go into debt to do it. Our income is decreasing this month, and we haven't got all the figures worked out yet, but we really REALLY want to be there! So, most likely we'll make it work!

Annaliese said...

A Chick-fil-a opened by us recently. I went near opening day at I was sort of creeped out by their oober over-friendliness. The whole slew of employees practically cheered every time someone walked in the door. It's nice, but...a little too nice. They even had someone walking around asking if they could do anything for us, like get us a refill.

I like the meal postings, by the way. I like to see what real people actually eat for dinner every night. Reminds of meals I forgot I like.

Leila said...

That makes sense. I haven't posted in forever on our blog, so maybe I should try the same thing. Or write it in my journal to get me going there. :)