Sunday, June 16, 2013

We are moving and we have a cute baby and Jacob defended.

You guys, we're actually moving. Oh, man. The official drive away date is Friday June 28th. Our truck will arrive the Tuesday prior. We're doing ABF U-pack, that worked well for us when we moved out here from Utah.

Anyway, things are totally crazy, of course. Jacob is gone this week at the International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. He's giving two talks there (yeah, he's smart). Oh, and he defended his dissertation, also! I meant to mention that earlier, since that was on the 7th. I attended his defense and he did a great job. I found myself thinking, "Wow, Jacob must be a good speaker because he has kept my attention fairly well this whole time and I don't even really know what he's talking about." :-D

On the 9th, we blessed Jubilee in church. It was a lovely blessing.

Last night Benjamin said, "I can't wait until we get to Georgia!" I think he's getting tired of hearing, "I packed it already. We want to take that to Georgia." He's ready to start unpacking, a little. Then, of course today he was trying to convince me that we should wait until after the Primary summer party on the 29th to leave. Alas, not happening. I had to remind him there will be Primary activities in Georgia.

Jubilee has started smiling more - enough so that we've finally got photographic evidence. Look at this cuteness, captured by Kate Lovett.

1 comment:

Annaliese said...

She's darling! Good luck with the move. I was surprised how much Addie really missed her friends when we moved; I thought she was too little to care much