Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The weekend - by Benjamin

Over the weeked I am going to whch pokemon with dad. Then I'm going to run uroud the hose like I'm crazze. Then I am going to play slter with my broter. Then after that I'm going to help swih the beds (if thay rnt all rete swihed.) Then I'm going to play shlter with my broter agen. Then I'm going to eat dinre.

Over the weekend I am going to watch Pokemon with Dad. Then I'm going to run around the house like I'm crazy. Then I am going to play "Shelter" with my brother. Then after that I'm going to help switch the beds (if they are not already switched). Then I'm going to play "Shelter" with my brother again. Then I'm going to eat dinner.


Over the weeken I ran araond the haose like I was crazze. Aftre I ate dinrre. The nekst day it was clen day. I was woching tv. Then dad came in. He sed that I coed cepe waching if I was clening up the toy rome at the same time. I sed no. He toke the disk out. Then I made up a nuw game. I plaed it for a wile. Then I tokt with my broter ubaat a move clleed avtre the last air bender. We wre taking abaut what epusode we snu wach aftre we clened up the toy room. We clened up the toy room. we endid up waching woned pets.

Over the weekend I ran around the house like I was crazy. After, I ate dinner. The next day it was clean day. I was watching T.V. Then Dad came in. He said that I could keep watching if I was cleaning up the toy room at the same time. I said, "No." He took the disk out. Then I made up a new game. I played it for a while. Then I talked with my brother about a movie called Avatar: The Last Airbender. We were talking about what episode we should watch after we cleaned up the toy room. We cleaned up the toy room. We ended up watching Wonder Pets.
Benjamin also made me a flower, over this weekend.

And Levi did, too. :)

The kids played at the train table at Little Shop of Stories

And Levi drew circles on a lot of papers and placed them like this.
    Such is the life!

1 comment:

Cami said...

Abe was impressed that Levi thought of a way to draw all over the floor.