We have videos for you! Yes, I know we've been holding out. As we finally emptied our card onto our computer I noticed that we hadn't shared any videos since Thanksgiving at least. Whew. But! Without further ado, something for the grandparents...
(click on the videos to see them larger on YouTube)
Listening to Jacob take the videos is almost as much fun as watching the kids -- he is so clever and fun. Benjamin just makes me want to hug and kiss him. Levi-athan is "so terrifyingly adorable!" (quote from Abe while watching)He just looks squishable to me. :D
Mom, "such thirst!" is my fave part. :) In the second video he's just on the phone.
Jacob says, "Awesome, Abe. Awesome."
Yea, but those toes are highly entertaining.
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