That is the full-time job of our five-year-old.
A: ...It wasn't a public school...
B: What's a public school? Does that mean you have to wear shoes?*
A: A public school is one that is run by the government...
B: What does "run by the government" mean?
J: It means that the government pays the money that it takes to run the school.
B: What's the government
J: ...uh... like The United States... it's people who...(there follows a 5 minute discussion about government, including the question, "does President Obama have to pay taxes?")
Truth, justice, and the American way. Including government. |
*He's been told he has to wear shoes in the grocery store/library/wherever "because it's a public place" many times.
Haha! Classic.
Can I just say that I love how many posts there have been on this blog lately? Keep em comin'!
Miss ya friend!
You guys are fabulous, patient parents. I would have opted for the short answer: "Yes, you have to wear shoes at school."
So Benjamin's primary teacher just told us that this new knowledge came up in class. They were having a lesson about Obeying The Law. She knew she was teaching 4 and 5 year olds, but she thought, aw, what the heck, I'll ask: "Do any of you know what taxes are?" Benjamin's hand shot up. "Taxes are money that you give to the government." :D She was very impressed.
This kid's going to know everything by the time he's 6. I miss you, too!!
I'm glad Cora's not the only one! We were watching a movie with soldiers, so she asked what war is. How do you explain that to a four-year-old? And sometimes it's really hard to focus on something because she keeps on asking questions about other things.
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